Saturday, January 08, 2011

Always A Bridesmaid!

I have been known to bitch privately about things political here and the lack of concern for culture but then something happens and I realize that there is a will to make the riches on hand accessible.

The Church of Sant'Andrea della valle (Tosca's church) is undergoing major restoration work and the good people at Il Ministero per i beni e le atitvità culturali (Ministry for Heritage and Culture) have taken out this full size banner to wish everyone a happy birthday.

But with L'Arte Ti Fa Gli Auguri (The Arts Send You Best Wishes) they aren't just sending you birthday wishes - they have a little gift to go with it. During 2011 entry to any of the over 70 State Museums will be free on your birthday. I think its a great idea but unfortunately by the time my birthday rolls around in December we will be elsewhere - "Always a bridesmaid!" And I'll just miss the Seniors' Discount too! Damn can't even catch the bouquet. But being a resident of Roma I was given free entry to the Museo di Roma this afternoon. Now if only there were some way I could wangle that free entry on Women's Day!

08 gennaio - San Lorenzo Giustiniani

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1 comment:

yellowdoggranny said...

now i know where i want to be next year on my birthday